Thursday, January 29, 2009

.....what happens wen.............

..........What happens when the one you love leaves and leaves you forever, Iam sure the very thought might have given you shivers by now & YOU HAVE EVERY REASON TO FEEL THIS can life one day just take away the person we love and love so much...we often feel being cheated and defeated by life, we just cant accept that something like that has happened to us ,may be because we are scared to imagine our life without has never been easy and will never be easy to move on loosing someone soo dear during the journey of matter how much you cry,no matter how much you beg but things and people lost on the way will never be back again............all that remains with us are memories of past........... life has to move on and we learn to live without all that we are left with when we realise that even that will be lost one day.....death is the ultimate truth, we might be able to fight against anything and everything but we can never win over death, when we understand this life becomes easy because now the death doesn't scare us any longer as we have accepted it as a part of our whole cycle of existence and as a part of whole process............this acceptance helps us to live without fear & helps us to live life in peace with ourself..........nobody leaves us because love never remains in the memories ,remains in our mind clear as if its a thing of yesterday..................its that love only that gives us the strength that we move on with life, isn't it........ the pain will be there but with time it will start fading away and won't hurt us that much.....................