Saturday, February 7, 2009 it................

in this fast moving world, we often forget to live life, we forget to laugh , we forget to be a we grow we are told not to laugh aloud ,not to act like a kid,and always hide the true emotions and project the fake ones.......strangely 24*7 we are told not to be ourself and to be someone we are expected to dat attempt we forget who we really are................our mind continuously think of pleasing the world around , are mind is not free, there are so many thoughts running.........we just don't have the time to sit and think where our life is actually moving.....we are blindly going where the life is taking us without questioning the very fact that is it the road we REALLY need to tread ?????? how many years of our life has gone in vain, we have never bothered to ask this .......coz we never had time for has raped our right to be 'us'.......... it has snatched away the innocence and peace of mind from us.......we are no more ourself ,we are just puppets waiting to be directed........its not me who decides my fate, my destiny because i dont do things as i want rather i do them as others want................. but when something goes wrong its me and only me who face it all alone...........for anything good that happens its because of them and when nothing goes right its all because of me............................... so strange.................. its my life ,and i should live it the way i want, if thats so hard to do , then what am I living for...... so wake up!! and take the responsibility in your hand , don't be puppet ...........its your life so live it for yourself...........................

Friday, February 6, 2009

...wats the matter.......

I don't know but iam scared of something,
this feeling is strange, its making me uneasy........

weird thoughts run in my mind....
even think what is not required at all...

i have become someone i never was
its so disgusting to be in a phase u never want...

i react on impulse,i go crazy over little things,
trust me i don wana hurt,

i love you and i trust you,
but these days its little rough,

there is so much pressure on me,
i cant sleep peacefully at night..

i know i should not be scared
for you are always there to take care of me

but still i fear not because i dont trust you
may be because its so sudden and m so unprepared
and finally that moment has come,

my life is about to change forever
and its not so simple stuff...................

i dont want to behave the way i do
but now i have become so used to......

even if i try i cant stop,
but i dont do it just for fun.........

i love you and love u a lot
its because of you that i have become NUTS.............

: )