Wednesday, July 15, 2009

..If I HaVE tO.....

If I have to leave this world,
I want to leave it in your arms,

If I have to see you walk away,
I would want you to shut my eyes,

If I have to smile,
I would want to have you by my side,

If I want to cry,
I would want you holding my tears,

If I have to dance,
I want you close to my heart,

If I have to live,
I want you forever in my life...

for I love you so much that there is nothing,
I want to do if I do'nt have you..............

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

..THe moMENT HaS CoMe........

The moment has come when we will be together forever, just in a little while things will happen which once were just like dreams, dreams we wished would turn into reality and would come true ,and here they are, right in front of us....everything is exactly the way we wanted it to be........ but iam little nervous at the same time, so many thoughts are running in my mind.........i can't believe that it is actually happening......iam loving this feeling, the thought that we will be together is making me insane...its like the thing that I ever wanted so badly is there for me and I didn't have to struggle to get it........may be thats what God has planned for me, may be that was destined to happen.......................WATEVER it may be all i know is Iam happy ,you are happy and our family is happy................... love u baby!!!!! mmuahh

Monday, July 13, 2009

..fOR mY sPeCIal oNeS........

OOps! am i actually talking about the ones...can u guess? chalo leave it , i will tell you who am i talking about...well its none other then my" friends", they have been my strength when the time was not right and when i had no one else to share my deepest of feelings.......i have had the best of times with them.....we have cried together, we have laughed ,we have lived our life like a "celebration"................ its hard to put everything in words because its the matter of emotions which are best expressed when felt.............time has strengthen our relation... time has taught me how complete my life is because of them...i love u all not because u have always been there but because even when we were far i always had u guys..dats the power of our friendship...wat can be more beautiful then this , for this is also a form of love and love is always pure, beautiful and sweet, and if its not it just can't be also means having arguements, sometimes cold ones and sometimes steamy ones, but then it never means walking away and leaving. All it means is that i can be myself when IAM around my loved ones, so i say what i want to, say what i feel and not care about anything,for they never judge ,nor evaluate what i say because they know me ,the real me.....they know that we are friends not because we have so much in common but because we " respect the differences "that we have ...... its not about putting and forcing ones ideas ,its like giving the next person the liberty and freedom to think how one wants to and not how one should and how we want them to............................most of the relations that sustain ,don't sustain because the people involved are similiar in terms of their thinking but because they never give up on each other despite the "odds"......... so respect each other ,respect the individuality ,for everyone is unique in its own way and nobody wants to loose this uniqueness and become "THE SAME".....................

Thursday, July 2, 2009

........HAs bEEn a LITTLe loNg...........

How do i start , emm don't really knoe that but what i know for sure is that it has been a little long since i wrote something for my blog...... what can be the reason ? well to start up with, figuring out why i didn't write is quite easy ..all i know is i wasnt having something concrete ,something solid to talk about and may be right now also i may not be having but all i know is that i still wanna write....sTupid isn't it? but thats what drives me, i don't have to be wise to do things that i love, all that i need is the becomes easy when we look at things as they are and not complicating everything that we see around us.......its not the world that has become complex,its the thoughts that runs in the minds of millions of us.........we have started thinking so much that the time has come when we have even forgotten what exactly we were meant to think about...... what are we rushing for? what is that we are continuously chasing? if we pause for a moment we will find that everything is just right here, it has been always right HERE but we were too blind to see...for a couple of seconds lets be in the moment, the present moment, where everything is perfect, everything is exactly the way it should have been...doesn't the very thought calms us down.....its not because it made things perfect its because for a moment we were at peace with ourselves ,we were not be happy its not important to have what everybody else may desire, to be happy its important to be at peace with oneself...................

God bless us all !!!