Friday, August 12, 2011

...TimE oF my LIfe with My Love by Mah Side..........

Its Been really long ...been a lot ...been so long that i think and wonder if i can write anymore................

Has the writer in me been so busy or have i been so occupied with things that this is no more part of me......why sucha big breakkkkkkk? why and i am trying to find a reason to has was differnt then and it is different now..but memories and experiences are still da same.........i guess the reason i have written so much then is because i had so much then to write many multiple ideas running at the same time..i guess that time was the year wen i was trying to know me which i am doing even now but then there was so much to explore, which has now slowed was a fast learning curve..learning is the time wen u have to prove it to all and that too at the same time...have to be balancing wat not..studies, career, youth, expectations, mood swings, love , family, friendship...alll at the same time....wen i say that i dont mean that i dont have to do all that now, but just that i don't have to prove it to anyone now...iam settled, happily married, have a career and have made everyone else is the day wen everyone else look up to me and they can not question me because i have proved myself family in all aspects and that gives me time to relax..time to slow down and time to just enjoy everything else.... may be thta is why i dont write that often because the life has changed its pace...there is not lott going on and what is going on is all that i would have ever wanted and dreamt of..this is one of the best times and phase of my life......and i am loving it to the fullest.........Marriage brings with it so much more of happiness, peace and love that it gives you the time to just cherish it and brings peace to your mind........and i think this is the phase that i am in and thisw is where i always wanted to much have grown over the years..the bond of love, the bond of frienship...everything...wat remains now is what should have always been with me and that is the reason it is still there with me............................its all destiny or i must say the result of the choices that i have made over these years...................

Stay blessed and love u all :)

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